
Recordings of the symposiums are available to watch until 1:00 pm, Friday, April 8.
Please log in to the web program to watch the recordings.

**Symposium with “〇” in the column “Recording” will be recorded and become available for the participants to watch from March 26 (Wed.) to April 8 (Tue.), 2025.
Due to the agreement with the speakers, some presentations are only available to watch live.

Symposium (non-technical)

Date Hours Room No. Symposium Title Recordings




13:30-16:00 K103 NT1 【Open Syposium】Attention Job Seeking Students! You Can Drive Semiconductor Innovation – Shape the Future with Your Creativity

Sponsor:Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation



13:30-17:30 K201 NT2 【Open Syposium】How to overcome shortage of scientists in the field of science and engineering. – start thinking about the career path from 15 years old –

Symposium (technical)


Date Hours Room No. Category Recordings


Symposium Title
13:00-17:15 K103 T1

KS. Sessions organized by JSAP’s Professional Group

New technologies toward fault-tolerant quantum computers

13:00-17:30 K201 T7

2. Ionizing Radiation

Current Status and Future Prospects of Phosphor Development Using Compound Semiconductors

13:30-17:25 K206 T17

11. Superconductivity

New trend in high Tc superconductors ~ What material is beyond cuprate ? ~

9:00-16:15 K204 T18

12. Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics

Advanced measurement for organic semiconductor and Metal halide perovskite devices

13:30-17:15 K205 T19

12. Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics

Cutting edge nanotechnology for bio-sensor & 2D materials -Realization of a pandemic-free society with graphene FET sensors capable of rapid detection of human infectious viruses-

13:30-17:35 K203 T21

13. Semiconductors

New Development of Multicomponent Luminescent Materials: From Chalcopyrite to Perovskite

14:00-18:00 Y1311 &P T22

13. Semiconductors

Symposium on Research and Human-Capital Development Activities aimed at Creating Next-Generation Semiconductors Industry

13:30-16:40 K101 T23

13. Semiconductors

Core technologies of the semiconductor industry supporting the progress in IoT society. -Fusion & Diversification-

13:30-16:50 K102 T29

Joint Session N “Informatics”

Developments in materials databases: Accumulating, extracting, and overlooking knowledge

13:30-18:45 K206 T2

KS. Sessions organized by JSAP’s Professional Group

Shaping the Future of Green Fabs: Toward Sustainable Manufacturing

13:30-17:45 K207 T3

KS Sessions organized by JSAP’s Professional Group. &6. Thin Films and Surfaces

State-of-the-art quantum science and technology using solid-state quantum bits

9:30-15:30 K204 T4

1. Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology

In the ocean, in the field and in the living bodies, assembling of advanced electric field sensing technology opens a new world

13:00-15:30 K205 T5

1. Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology

Deployment of science and energy education activities for non-metropolitan areas

13:30-17:10 K201 T9

3. Optics and Photonics

Crossroads in Applied Physics: New trends in Glass and Laser Processing Technology

10:00-17:20 K203 T11

6. Thin Films and Surfaces

The roles and prospects of synchrotron radiation in advanced materials science research

13:30-17:55 K202 T12

6. Thin Films and Surfaces & 12. Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics

Sensor/actuator functions and emergent order inspired by biological and organic molecular dynamics

13:30-17:40 K102 T14

8. Plasma Electronics

Plasma-activated solutions and their applications

13:30-17:30 K101 T24

13. Semiconductors

A la carte Packaging Technologies II: Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Technologies and Those Future Prospects

13:30-16:45 Y1311 T25

13. Semiconductors

Extreme environment devices

10:00-15:45 K204 T6

1. Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology

Collaboration of acoustics and applied physics

13:30-18:05 K103 T10

3. Optics and Photonics

Frontiers of Optical Science and Innovative Photonics

13:30-17:40 K203 T13

6. Thin Films and Surfaces

Novel functional oxide materials, devices, techniques for next generation transistor channel application

9:30-17:15 K202 T15

8. Plasma Electronics &13. Semiconductors

Atomic Layer Process (ALP) analysis and application technologies

13:30-17:45 K102 T16

10. Spintronics and Magnetics

New developments in magnetics and spintronics with imaging techniques

13:30-16:55 K101 T26

17. Nanocarbon and Two-Dimensional Materials

Is it feasible to develop high-quality sensors utilizing ultrathin materials? ~Current status and challenges in molecular sensors based on nanotubes and two-dimensional materials~

13:00-17:30 K205 T27

Joint Session M “Phonon Engineering”

Frontiers in Low-Power Semiconductor Technologies: Paving the Way for Carbon Neutrality

13:30-16:25 K201 T8

2. Ionizing Radiation

Development of plant RI imaging technology and its application in agriculture

10:15-15:45 K204 T20

12. Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics

Current status and future prospects of organic electronics technology

10:00-15:35 K205 T28

Joint Session M “Phonon Engineering”

Frontiers in Nanoscale Heat Transport Phenomena and Control