For Presenters

For Oral Presenters

Presentation Time

Contributed presentations are assigned 15 minutes. (presentation for 10 minutes, Q&A for 5 minutes).
The presentation time for invited talks vary from 15 minutes to 30 minutes with 5-minute Q&A.
Staff will inform you of the time with a bell.
Preparation time is inluded in the presentaion time. Please make sure to share your presentation slides smoothly.

1st Bell: 10 min. (including 5 min. for Q&A remaining)
2nd Bell: 5 min. remaining (end of your talk)
3rd Bell: End of your presentation time

Presentation Method (for Onsite Speakers)

Speakers are required to present via Zoom, using their own laptop.
If you are not able to bring your laptop, you can use a laptop prepared at the session room.
Make sure to bring your presentation files in USB devices.
All the onsite speakers are requested to come to the Speaker Check-In Desk before the session or during the break before their presentation to verify the onsite attendance.

(Software specifications of the laptop prepared at the session room)

  • OS: Windows 11 Pro. (64 bit)
  • Microsoft Power Point 2019(64 bit)
  • Windows Media Player Ver. 12
    *Other video players are not installed on the PC.


Come to the “Next Speaker” seats and enter the Zoom 30 minutes before your presentation.

Presentation Method (for Online Speakers)

Speakers are required to present via Zoom, using your own PC.
Please read the online presenter manual for more details.

For Poster Presenters

Poster sessions will be held only at the onsite venue.


JSAP will prepare display panels (180cm(H)×90cm(W)) with each program number posted on. Pushpins will be available at each panel. Do not use glue or tape.


Each poster presenters is allotted 120 minutes including 60 minutes core time.
(Core time)
– Speakers of an odd program numbers : first 60 minutes
– Speakers of an even program number: latter 60 minutes

Preparation 9:10am – 9:30am 1:10pm – 1:30pm 3:40pm – 4:00pm
Session 9:30am – 11:30am 1:30pm – 3:30pm 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Removal 11:30am – 11:40am 3:30pm – 3:40pm 6:00pm – 6:10pm

Poster Award

The screening of Poster Award will be done during the session.
If you are nominated for the award, please make sure to remain in front of your poster during the session.

Important Notes


(Oral Session)
If a speaker doesn’t show up within 5 minutes of their scheduled presentation time, the presentation will be deemed as “No-Show”.

(Poster Session)
If a poster is not put up by 5 minutes after the starting time of the session, the presentation will be deemed as “No-Show”.

No-show presentations will be indicated as such on the conference web program.

If any circumstances arise where the registered speaker is unable to present the paper at the meeting,
please make sure to inform the secretariat() in advance.

The absence with prior notification will be indicated as “Absence” on the conference web program.

<Substitute Speaker>

If a registered speaker is unavailable on the day due to unavoidable circumstances, the speaker shall be able to appoint a substitute to speak on their behalf.
A substitute speaker must be a JSAP member and the co‐author of the submitted paper. The substitute speaker must register for the conference and complete the payment of the registration fee.

<Young Scientist Presentation Award>

The applicants for the JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award are required to present in person. If the applicants make a presentation online, they become disqualified for the award.