Registration Fee
Category | Early-bird (until February 28) | Late ( from March 7 until April 8) |
Non-student (JSAP Member *including JSAP Sub Member) | 12,000 JPY (non-taxable) | 18,000 JPY (non-taxable) |
Non-student (Partner Society Member*) | 12,000 JPY (tax included) | 18,000 JPY (tax included) |
Non-student Non-student (Non-member)** | 23,000 JPY (tax included) | 30,000 JPY (tax included) |
JSAP Senior Member***/ JSAP Life Member | 4,000 JPY (non-taxable) | 7,000 JPY (non-taxable) |
Student (JSAP Member : Speaker/Onsite Audience) | 3,000 JPY (non-taxable) | 5,000 JPY (non-taxable) |
Student (Non-member/Partner Society Member*: Speaker/Onsite Audience) | 3,000 JPY (tax included) | 5,000 JPY (tax included) |
Student (JSAP Member: Online Audience *excluding speakers) | 0 JPY | 5,000 JPY (non-taxable) |
Student (Non-Member/Partner Society Member*: Online Audience *excluding speakers) | 0 JPY | 5,000 JPY (tax included) |
*JSAP’s Partner Societies: APS(American Physical Society), CSOE(Chinese Society for Optical Engineering), EOS(European Optical Society), EPS(European Physical Society), IOP(Institute of Physics), JIEP(Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging), KPS(Korean Physical Society), Optica, OSK(Optical Society of Korea), PESJ (Physics Education Society of Japan), PSROC(The Physical Society of Republic of China), SPIE(International Society for Optical Engineering ), SPP(Physics Society of the Philippines), TPS(Taiwan Photonics Society)
**Member rates only apply to JSAP Individual Members regardless of whether your company or organization is JSAP Corporate Members.
***JSAP members of over 60 years age without a regular job. Need application to become Senior Member.
Payment Methods
Early Registration <December 2 (Mon.) – February 28 (Fri.)>
- Credit Card (VISA, Master, JCB, AMEX, Diners)
- Convenience Store Payment
- Bank Transfer Payment (*must cover bank transfer fee)
*If you haven’t completed the payment by February 28 (Fri.), your registration will be automatically cancelled.
Late Registration <March 7 (Fri.) – April 8 (Tue.)>
- Credit Card (VISA, Master, JCB, AMEX, Diners)
- Convenience Store Payment
- Bank Transfer (*must cover bank transfer fee)
*You can view sessions only after we can confirm your payment.
Cancellation will not be accepted after payment of registration fee.
The registration fee cannot be refunded under any circumstance. Please be careful to make a double registration.
Invoice& Receipt
The invoice and receipt can be downloaded on the registration site.
Receipt/Meeting Badge
Meeting badges will not be delivered to paritipants individually. If you are attending onsite, please print out your meeting badge on the registration site and bring it to the venue.
Meeting badges can be downloaded from March 4.
Extended Abstracts
Registered participants can view the extended abstracts online only.
Extended abstracts will be published on the conference webprogram March 4.
Official guide books will be enclosed with the March issue of our membership journal “OYO BUTURI”
For the JSAP student members and non-members, please view the the conference web program.
Student Online Audience (Closed)