JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia
なお、OSA学術誌「OSA Continuum」から本シンポジウムの Feature Issue(査読有)が発刊されます。
優秀な発表をした学生講演者に対し「Best Student Paper/Presentation Prize」を授与します。
受賞者には150米ドルと3年分のOSA Student Membershipが授与されます。
また、受賞者は「OSA Continuum」から発刊される JSAP-OSA Joint SymposiaのFeature issueにおいてInvited Paperを掲載することができます。
中分類番号 | セッションタイトル |
4.1 | Plasmonics and Nanophotonics |
Invited Speakers: Saulius Juodkazis (Swinburne University), Shunsuke Murai (Kyoto University), Jwa-Min Nam (Seoul National University), Shyama Rath (University of Delhi), Junsuk Rho (POSTECH) | |
4.2 | Photonics Devices, Photonic Integrated Circuit and Silicon Photonics |
Invited Speakers: Constance Chang-HasnainOSA President / / UC Berkeley), Yohei Sobu (Fujitsu) | |
4.3 | Lasers and laser materials processing |
Invited Speakers: Hirofumi Hidai (Chiba University), Yasutomo Ota (Keio University), William Renninger (University of Rochester), Collin Sones (University of Southampton) | |
4.4 | Information Photonics |
Invited Speakers: Xiangyu Quan (Kobe University), Guohai Situ (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics), Satoshi Sunada (Kanazawa University), Yasuhiro Takaki (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) | |
4.5 | Nanocarbon and 2D Materials |
Invited Speakers: Ji-Hee Kim (Sungkyunkwan University), Natsumi Komatsu (Rice University), Ethan Minot (Oregon State University), Hisato Yamaguchi (Los Alamos National Laboratory) | |
4.6 | Terahertz Photonics |
Invited Speakers: Elmer Estacio (University of the Philippines Diliman), Nathaniel Hermosa (University of the Philippines Diliman), Kosuke Murate (Nagoya University), Masahiko Tani (University of Fukui) | |
4.7 | Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics |
Invited Speakers: Ravi Bhardwaj (University of Ottawa), Tim Byrnes (New York University Shanghai), Rafal Janik (Xanadu), Dong-Il Yeom (Ajou University) |
[ 2020 ][ 2019 ][ 2018 ][ 2017 ][ 2016 ] [ 2015 ] [ 2014 ] [ 2013 ] [ 2012 ]
登壇申込締切: 2021年6月22日(火) 17:00 厳守