Hirofumi Yamada(Kyoto Univ.)S14 Interplay and integration of experiments and calculations in nanobiotechnology: lipid membrane and membrane proteins
Hirokazu Tahara(Kyoto Univ.)12.5 Organic solar cells
Hirokazu Takahashi(The Univ. of Tokyo)S13 Science of the Material Intelligence: Bringing out the Intrinsic Learning and Optimization Capabilities of Materials
Huie Zhu(Tohoku Univ.)12.1 Fabrications and Structure Controls
Kazutaka Tomita(Kyoto Univ.)12.1 Fabrications and Structure Controls
Kenji Yasuoka(Keio Univ.)S14 Interplay and integration of experiments and calculations in nanobiotechnology: lipid membrane and membrane proteins
Koji Okuwaki(Rikkyo Univ.)12.6 Nanobiotechnology
Koji Sumitoro(Univ. of Hyogo)S14 Interplay and integration of experiments and calculations in nanobiotechnology: lipid membrane and membrane proteins
Masaki Horie(Ntl. Tsing Hua Univ.)12.2 Characterization and Materials Physics
Masashi Aono(Keio Univ.)S13 Science of the Material Intelligence: Bringing out the Intrinsic Learning and Optimization Capabilities of Materials
Megumi Akai-Kasaya(Osaka Univ.)S13 Science of the Material Intelligence: Bringing out the Intrinsic Learning and Optimization Capabilities of Materials
Michio Murata(Osaka Univ.)S14 Interplay and integration of experiments and calculations in nanobiotechnology: lipid membrane and membrane proteins
Naoki Wakamiya(Osaka Univ.)S13 Science of the Material Intelligence: Bringing out the Intrinsic Learning and Optimization Capabilities of Materials
Tetsuya Asai(Hokkaido Univ.)S13 Science of the Material Intelligence: Bringing out the Intrinsic Learning and Optimization Capabilities of Materials
Tsutomu Miyasaka(Toin Univ. of Yokohama)12.5 Organic solar cells
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa(Waseda Univ.)S13 Science of the Material Intelligence: Bringing out the Intrinsic Learning and Optimization Capabilities of Materials
Wataru Shinoda(Nagoya Univ.)S14 Interplay and integration of experiments and calculations in nanobiotechnology: lipid membrane and membrane proteins
Yu Yamashita (The Univ. of Tokyo)12.2 Characterization and Materials Physics
Yuji Mochizuki(Rikkyo Univ.)S14 Interplay and integration of experiments and calculations in nanobiotechnology: lipid membrane and membrane proteins
Hideo Hosono(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)S22 Pioneering of Frontier technology for metal oxide novel device I -from thin film fabrication to device creation -
Mamoru Furuta(Kochi Univ. of Tech.)S22 Pioneering of Frontier technology for metal oxide novel device I -from thin film fabrication to device creation -
Yukiharu URAOKA (NAIST)S22 Pioneering of Frontier technology for metal oxide novel device I -from thin film fabrication to device creation -
Yusaku Magari(Kochi Univ. of Tech.)21.1 Joint Session K "Wide bandgap oxide semiconductor materials and devices"
22. Joint Session M
Toru Ujihara(Nagoya Univ.)22.1 Joint Session M "Wide bandgap oxide semiconductor materials and devices"