
Session Chair
Session chair is a person who leads the session.
JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award
JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award will be presented to young JSAP members who have presented outstanding papers at JSAP annual meetings.
The application for the award can be made upon online submission.
Individuals eligible for the JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Awards are

  1. Under 33 years of age as of the succeeding April 1.
  2. Lead author of their paper
  3. Registered speaker who actually made the presentation
  4. Applied for Young Scientist Presentation Award upon submission

The applicants’ presentations will be evaluated by 3 judges (for each presentation). JSAP Annual Meetings Planning and Operations Committee select the awardees, in principle, up to 1% of the total number of contributed submissions.

Poster Award
Poster Awards will be given to the outstanding posters. The posters will be judged based on the quality of the research presented, the overall design of the poster, along with the quality of presentations and Q&A
All the poster presentations will evaluated for the award. No entry is required.
<Selection Process>

  1. Nomination
    The program committee will review the submitted abstracts and select the nominees. The presenters of the nominated posters will be informed beforehand and asked to make sure to be in front of their posters during the poster session.
  2. Evaluation at the venue
    The next screening will be done by the poster session chairs during the first 20 minutes of the session.
  3. Voting
    Voting by JSAP directors, JSAP Fellows, JSAP representatives and program committee members will be done. The selection committee consisting of the poster session chair, Chair and Vice Chair of the JSAP Annual Meetings Planning and Operations Committee will decide the final winner.


No age limit. The double winning of the JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award and the Poster Award is possible.