Abstract Submission

3 steps to make a contributed talk


Speakers of contributed presentation should be JSAP Regular Member, JSAP Student Member, JSAP’s Partner Societies* Member.

(*) JSAP’s Partner Societies: APS(American Physical Society), CSOE(Chinese Society for Optical Engineering), EOS(European Optical Society), EPS(European Physical Society), IOP(Institute of Physics), JIEP(Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging), KPS(Korean Physical Society), OPTICA(formerly OSA, The Optical Society), OSK(Optical Society of Korea), PESJ(Physics Education Society of Japan), PSROC(The Physical Society of Republic of China), SPIE(International Society for Optical Engineering ), Physics Society of the Philippines(SPP), TPS(Taiwan Photonics Society)

Submission Deadline: January 10 (Tue.), 2023 (5:00pm, JST)
*No submission, revision, replacement of abstracts nor withdrawal are accepted after the deadline.

All those who complete their abstract submission will incur a registration fee, even if speakers are absent on the day of the conference or other person is presenting the paper on the speaker’s behalf.